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Thursday, May 22, 2008

today was the last day of sch le ... duno hv to wait until when then i can c all my friends bk lor ...miss then a lot ..that 4 sure ...today i thought we had debate bt nvr do i noe that the de bate was cancelled ..as we wanted our teacher to come n watch us ...the teacher can onlky make it on nxt ter n so debate was forc to cancelled lor.,.. the teacher incharge seem to be very unhappy with us lor ...the afyter i noe about this news .. i wanted to tell diana ....bt she dint believe us ... lor ....she quite stupid lor...y WOUID i wanto cheat her...NO BRAIN!!!! .today we stared off with the use ur hand campaingn lor...LAME!!!! hu dun noe hw to use our hand lor ... then we had to wipe our tables n chair ...n i accendentallty threw at hazel...i had pour the gif detergent on it lor n also alcohaol n also tinner ...dun no wad will happen to her face lor we almost stared a cloth ..w e were alll lauhin especially jAMIE...laugh until; like xiao like that lor..
Today i geve some1 something i hope ghat she will like it lor ... damn sianz lor .......n m still waitin for her ans ..waitin n waitin.............

10:17 PM

today was a boring day lor !!damn sianz lor ... 2day in sch we started of with the hip copy righted thing lor it ...very diao n lame...den wemt of 4 recess n when we came bk we all hv the cyber wellness things tell us lot of things of the cyber weless thingsss....thenn we start 2 the pornography talk the teacher damn pervertic lor ....
Afternoon ,we were preparing 4 the debte bb the teacher sudenly say that we hv 2 start at 2 ...i m alright ..bt then teacher say that we hv 2 drop one of our debators as one of their debator dunno wad happen 2 her la ... then we had 2 postpone 2 fri... then we wnt 2 th libirary n started discussin the drama fest lor ...then when we r discussin hazel chua la kep on sms ... the jamie n diana also not focusin in the work... then i started to laugh with them 4 dunno wad lo...then desmond started to turn very angry by then he kept on staring at us like cuttin us with his knife lor so SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!! bt we stil dun care the he wanted 2 tear his script lor....then when he wan 2 tear i was still laughing then when his preparin 2 tear hids action damn funy lor ...HAHA...then we stp doin n juz talk lor...we were launghin n desmond laug too.... ya it was fun ........bt i yhad to go early dunno wad time he had to go hor !!!!

4:43 AM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today a lot of things happen in sch hazel n audrey tang has lot of misunderstanding between them we all wanted to try 2 help them bt it seems that difficult lor .maybe is becaus of terence lor !!!i tink all the miss understanding between them ... aiya dun say le la ...later they say i badmouth her ...
hai .......... n all my friends say that my blog damn dead lor bt i really duno wad 2 write le ...!!!!wad the hell ...today early in the sch we went 2 exursion lor .... actualy nt that fun bt the cake they like ur it is nvery ice..i tase like cheese cake ..and when u eat the felin is likke eatin sugar bt not sweet .. on the way bk ...desmond very emo lor ... i tink bcoz nobody talk 2 him ...desmond if u c this pls dun be angry....juz that u today very emo... i tink i noe y lor ...??? when is ask hazel 4 the m&n lor bt i think that hazel nvr hear lor...bcoz she was hearing the music lor...then agter that wen we go bk she ask von 4 sweet n evon also nvr hear lor .. thenit makes desmond tink that no body care about him lor .....
that all 4 today lor

4:04 AM

Monday, May 19, 2008

yeah finally finifsh my new blog liao ...damn sianz... my old blog is so ulgy..SIGH!!! my debate... omg ... stilll haven done et... diana ,andre n randell wil scold mi wan ,,,, btw i gt something on on tat day [e debate day] i duno if i cann change or nt ....N a lot of things happen in class ... dou wish 2 say llater gt any miisunderstanding;;; the drama fest ###@@ oredy cut untill very short liao... bt dunno whetther enough time 4 the play or nt leh ....a lot of things comin out bt no much time to do ...fghdfhv
my sis came out tat day n i go out with them bt they went bk very soon.. wish they cann stay longer ....misses them alot...
i m still waitin 4 an answer from some1 bt it seems like is impossible 4 me 2 noe the ans ... anywy ...i wish tat can noe my ans soon...diao LAMEX LAMEX

3:13 AM


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    Layout made by Tiara! I can't remember where i got the brushes from.
    E-MAIL if you know where the brushes are from.