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Saturday, June 28, 2008

sigh...long time no blog ler very sry...i also dunno wanna to say ah!!!this wek nt much things happen lor ...bt nt realy nth happen la ...smthing veri sad hapen la ...bt dunn fel to write it out out lor ...yester day...gt geog lor ...then gt the duno wad feild work la then eas discussin 2 draw tat thing la ...then i andre wanted to draw then desmond also wanted to draw la ...then i say all draw la ...bt duno y like desmond veri unhappy like tat bt i tried nt to c it ...bt i cant finally i ask andre did he notiched it ...he said yes...bt i tink he like tat la.... i like workin with him bcoz he is resoursful...dots...hahas...dun talk about him le later say i say about him again ....
So nth else la ...everything went so normal la...2day ...i hv tuition early in the morning...bt nt tat early la ... then after tuition ..do wad ???do hw lor ... duno do wad hw ..i sms that hazelnut ...she nvr reply mi every time like tat wan she fel liek killin her...say about hazel i duno y i tink of joshua la... maybe is bcoz hazel everytime call joshua to do things ba...walao!!! i tink of joshua i feel like killin him u noe...he damn jealous lor...i told him i dun like amelia le ...then he keep on sayin i sit so near to him lor ...is nt i wan to sit with her wan lor...is ms chan call us to sit together wan wad ....WAD CAN I DO??? ...lol...Even zhong kang alos dun hv jealous duno y he jealous lor...so jealous lor...i veri angry with him le... he say i sit veri near to her n i keep on talking with her...n he say tat i like her hw can it be ...then he dun wannna to talk to mi lor ...so petty lor....so angry with him lor...
Go bk to after the tuition 2day la...after tuition i do hw lor ...then my dad call us to go out n eat la ...bt duno y my mun say she dun wan lor maybe is too late le ba ...then my father call mi to go dwn le....i so angry n i say i dun wan to eat n i go out le lor...i quarell with her n the whole day i did nt talk to her till nw ...typin in 2 blogger ...
dun feel like writin le ...bb ...wish can write soon....!!!!

5:17 AM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On tues we went out lor ...with jamie,diana,melissa,desmond lor ...i thought that day was a happy day lor ...i reach hougang mrt station at around 12 lor ...to early le l a,,,so i ask demond where he is lor ..he was at hougang mall so i went to find him lor ...he was still ok when i went to find him lor then both of us still very happy la ...then hor stupid diana finally reach le ..we went to take mrt to orchard lor ...we bought tickets 4 the kung fu panda ...from that time onwars hor...he change liao ...he semms to hav split personality ..he is 2 differenkt person lat diff. time la...i ask him wad happen bt he also dun wanna 2 ans me ..(desmond i mean no offence)fine ..then we bought the ticket n des went up to the cinema forst ..he dun even wan to wait 4 us la ...then we finally went p n watch the movie lor... the movie quite nice la ..nt bad ...bt i dun tink is btata funny except 4 some parts la...then finally finish movie le ...then we went to shop sround lor as i a shoppin hor ..i found out i terribe thing...I LOST MY SPECTACLES...i muz hv left it in the cinema ...immediatey i rushed bk to the cinema lor...bt so sway still cant find it lar...sianz le...then 4oclock reach le i feel like goin home le ...my other frens wan to go to plaza sing la ...bt i noe i no time le ...so i decided to go home myself lar...desmond wanted to to go with them la bt dun no y she suddenly change his mind ..alot ppl tell me he have a kind of attitude or he dun hv enough attention everyday go out with him like very scare his face will turn black ...in the mrt both of us dint even talk lar ... when we reach hougang station we juz say bb lor...on the way takin my bus ...i saw someone ...ithink she is jing wen one of my ex-tuition fren la...evrything was normal when i went bk lor ...eat watch half n hour of tv then go television le ...wahh lao ..i went to the math tuition hor... the math tuition sux man...wad kind of teacher is tat..when she first come in her face damn black lor..k tat nvm ..some ppl is born with tat kind of face bt she dun even noe hw to teach la ...a lot of question she giv us wrond ans n even ned us to ans her question .. la she go there n wan us to read the bk n call us to do lor ...muz as well we bring the whole book back home to do la ...sigh...nothing to say le la ...nxt time then say lor...bb

5:23 AM

Sunday, June 15, 2008

wa lao .... damn sianz lor...sigh...so lonely lar..fel like goin out this tues lor!!bt my mum du n allow mi to ...wad can i do..i ask my dad n i knew tat i can go lor ....sigh...dinner was so quite tat nite lor...it was father day n i almost quarrel with my mum lor ... wad a bad father day it is!!!!i hv still hv tuition tat mornin lor...tis tues goin out duno if desmond gt go or nt lor....if he nvr go i wil be damn lonely lor..sigh ppl lokin liao nxt time gt chancev then blog...BYE!!!!

10:03 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sigh...damn sianz lor ... so fast came bk from malaysia le...how time flies... i thouhght that 5 days will be enough bt it will nvr be enough lor ....hw i wish i can stay there longer ....i miss my sis a lot my home n every tin ...i wish i can go bk ther soon lor....1 more wek ..n tkhe hol will be over ..scjh life will be bk again...lots of sch wk ...lots of pressure... i wish i can treasure the last whole wek b4 the sch starts... hw i wish i can go out with my friends lor...duh...bt it seems so diff..

diao..juz change my blog skins in class really change aloyt lor ...the world is changing...n the ans i waiting 4 finnaly came ...

1:23 AM


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    Layout made by Tiara! I can't remember where i got the brushes from.
    E-MAIL if you know where the brushes are from.