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Sunday, August 24, 2008

5:55 AM

Monday, August 18, 2008

sianz ..la...duno wad to post lor...hai alos duno wad to write lor ....todaay in sch ...i was left with desmond n myself in the chinese class...lor....den i felt so awkard like that lor...desmond told mi nt to be angry with him le ...bt it seem so impossible...i wish that i can pul back this frendship..maybe i juz ned some time la...juz giv mi somtime lor...sianz...whenevr u talk 2 me ...i cant satnd myself think of u tat time that made mi so angery...juz giv mi somtime la...
today in sch ..she still veri cold to me lor...i dun expect anything from her...juz wanted to be frens ...bt i seems so hard...there seems to be a larger gap than b4 that even stop us from being frens...although i tried veri hard nt 2 think ...bt i cant ...my mind keep flashin the memeries betwen us la...she is still so cold to mi..i noe ..i dind'nt wanted to force her...if she feel awkard ...i will try 2 keep a distance from her ...bt ..bt ..bt...4 many days alr...i did nt talk to her ...to make sure that she is happy...i did nt wanted her 2 feel guitly ...i dint want her to feel sad n lots of pressiure.....that us y i keep a distace from her...nt even dare 2 sms her...somtimes i regret startin with her...maybe if we did nt start ..i m still be able to watch at the side ...help her quitly...bt is quite diffcult nw..
dun wan to tak leh...or else emo angle is controling mi...im nw fightin with it...n i wish...i can win...

5:24 AM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

sianz..la ...duno wad to write leh ...alot of ppl say that i too emo le ..calll mi nt to be emo...k thx 4 all ur ...frens 4eva...true frens..thx 4 encouragin mi lor...realy thx alot lor...aiya..in sch lots of things happen lor...i n desmond frenship has sore ler..is even WORSE le ...sigh la...duno y lor the joshua keep on scoldin mi like tat lor..then i told mel ..i ask her y he like that ten she also say that she can sense that he like dun like mi like tat ...maybe i think too much le la...anywmay that day the whole day i veri emo lor...although nvr show on my face ...bt that day i veri sianz ...then after that is geog lesson ...then i call joshua to sit beside mi lor ...bt he say tat he dun wan to sit beside mi lor...than after that then he sit with mi again ler...bt the geog lesson he like a diff person lor...haha...anyway y joshua score so low ha ...4 my fren test...ARHH!!!!!hazel chua also ...diana also....arrhhhh!!!! y they score so lo....n hw can audrey lim only score 1o...wth...nvm la...anyway ...i still c hu can score higher that joshua lor..haha...bb

4:06 AM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

sianz...duno wad 2 write la ...sad lor...i felt the pain ....ppl told me nt to be emo ...bt i wish i really could lor ...i noe ur may wonder ...im impossible to be emo...sigh .. i m veri tired of this ...veri tireed ...i tired on puttin on a brave front ...if nth has happen ...i duno hw long can i still stand...whenevr i saw her ...i feel the pain ...i may look nomal..cheerful laugh ,play ...bt is still pain...i tired of all.tis ...y she is so heartless...she should tell me ealier ...we should nt even start..they call mi 2 relaxe ...bt i can t...i thought i hv gt over ...bt it seems so diffcult...she muz hv 4gten...i nvr gt so hurt b4...bleeding...my heart...i hate her ...bt i cant ....tis is the thing tat make mi feel funny...heart hv alr died off...is broken ...even if i joined there will still be marks on it.. the pain...will 4eva be there .....nobody noe ...nvr dares to try again..scared to be hurt...maybe she changed...or im the one hu change ...my tears r droppin ...dun worry ...i will still be myself ...if only i can stand...if only...

5:57 AM

A very dead ending
to a very dead life
i dun care 4 all the money in tis world

I've lost 1 person that luv me
then i lost everything

No reason to cling on
story that'll nvr happens

It's okay 2 cry
it's a feeling from the heart

taking away my smile

BLACK paradise
i lost my sunshine

I had learn my lesson,

5:39 AM

wah !!!!best pic...tis pic rawks man...!!!

a bit blurh leh...bt ...NICE!!!...haha

diana y muz u always hv tat fac when u take


Jamie ...everytime u take photo u twist sems
2 be dying

so dramatic


juz a zoom in nia !!!!

4 mad gals!!!

opps..wad happen!

hazel stop acting cute...i noe u wanna to say u
r nt acting bt ur alr cute

quite nice...bt hui qi look a little bit funny...

5:13 AM


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1oo% MaLAySiAn bL00d HaPPy gO LuCKy Hv LOts Of tHouGHts HYpER ActiVe


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    Layout made by Tiara! I can't remember where i got the brushes from.
    E-MAIL if you know where the brushes are from.