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Monday, April 27, 2009

yeah ...we won jthe debate ... is like a miracle la...we did nt even prepare bt e1 prepare alot...i was the first speaaker n i spout nonsense...i onli prepare the debate onli in the morning ....hahaz...zlack...then the stupid andre dun an to d ebate anymore juz that e1 no members cried ...bt truely they prepare a lot ...and we juz slack...omg i did nt expect thhat diana lau saw my blog...hahaz wth .....so i hv to treat her bubble tea ...diao .... nw mdoin newsmaker bt ...i slacking ...posting juz vbcoz they say i nvr post wad the hell....nw i hear hq saying wad say ...aiya the teacher checkinh ...ltr hv to go out of the the lab...kkk...bb

11:26 PM

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cool!!! gt bronze 4 chi drama...yaeh...tat is like a miracle to us alr...diao...yah..the worst thing was jthhat i 4gt my lines ...bt lukily only tose actors found out ...even my instructor did nt fing out wad the helll...lucky...hahaz...n i did it ...i manage to take of my skinny jeans at the backstage without being seen...hahazzzz....lucky...hahaz...luckily tat i am a veri trendy person in the script...so my hairstyle n my make up quite ok....some of my frens...quite pathetic...their hairstyle...omg!!! so retard ... bt they didi veri well tat day ...n i thx them...yah... bt the person put my lipstick untilll veri red ...then it look damn funny ...does nt match with my foundation ...wad the hell...then go bk ...i have to clean my face with the make up remover 4 lots of time to gt rid of my make-up...wad the hell...the foundation was like so thick....then cam ebk to sch ...wanted them to showcase ...bt ...sigh ...tey all dun wan ...so dun care le lar....dun show case le...

choir gt silver...gd alr le lah...bt they nt happy with it le...btw i really like their dancing song...its damn nice...joyce like damn sad ...so she dun wan mi to mention about choir in sch ...hahazz... i told diana that i will treat her boubble tea if she gt bronz e...bt she did nt....bt i will still treat her ...(only if she c this post n cum n fing mi to treat )...sso diana i owe u 1 or maybe 2 bubble tea ...i will treat u if ou gt chance...so dun wry ...try harder 4 nxt syf...

hahaz....2day gt the wad stupiid interviw about goin to taiwan...omg so diff...duno hw to ans some qn...n some qn ans wrong ...wad the hell..... nt too sure if cn go taiwan...cuz i m pr ... sigh!!!bt i really wan go ...although i went b4 ...bt i still wan go!!!
kk dun talk le bb

2:28 AM


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    Layout made by Tiara! I can't remember where i got the brushes from.
    E-MAIL if you know where the brushes are from.